Author: Dylan Lamb

  • The Power of AICA’s Product Data Capabilities

    Clean data forms the foundation of effective business strategy and this cannot be understated in today’s business environment. As a leader in product data management, AICA is uniquely positioned to transform how organisations perceive and utilise their data.  Our comprehensive services in product data cleansing, enrichment and comparison have already helped countless businesses unlock their […]

  • The Importance of Product Data Taxonomy and the Role of AICA

    Clean and enriched product data is a vital resource for businesses. Properly organised and processed product data can significantly enhance business operations, improve customer experiences, and drive growth.  This is where the importance of product data taxonomy, a strategic approach to classifying and organising data, becomes apparent. Understanding Product Data Taxonomy Product data taxonomy refers […]

  • What Is Data Hygiene? Best Practices to Consider

    Not all data is created equal and ensuring the accuracy and cleanliness of data is crucial for organisations to make informed choices and maintain a competitive edge. Just as we take care of our personal hygiene to keep ourselves healthy and presentable, data hygiene involves the process of removing dirty data from your working environment, […]

  • The Effects of Unstructured Product Data and AICAs Solution

    Product data is a significant asset for businesses today and its value cannot be underestimated. It represents the repository of all the detailed information about your company’s products or services – from descriptions, prices, attributes and more.  However, this data can either exist in a structured or unstructured format. As more companies adopt data-driven strategies, […]

  • The impacts of Duplicate Product Data on Internal Business Operations

    In the modern business landscape, accurate and up-to-date product data is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and providing exceptional customer experiences. However, businesses often grapple with the challenge of duplicate product data, which can arise from various sources, such as manual entry errors, system integrations, and data migrations.  In this article, we delve into the […]

  • The Problem of Duplicate Product Data: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

    Duplicate product data refers to the existence of multiple product records for the same item in a company’s database or on an online marketplace. This seemingly innocuous issue can have severe repercussions on a company’s efficiency, reputation and overall customer experience.  In this article, we will explore the causes of duplicate product data, the consequences […]

  • The Importance of Spelling in Product Data

    Proper spelling is a fundamental aspect of data quality, impacting internal operations, supplier relationships, and overall customer experience.  In this article, we will delve into the causes and effects of spelling issues in product data, and explore how data cleansing can rectify these errors, ensuring optimal data quality and operational efficiency. Causes of Spelling Issues […]

  • Unlocking the Power of Data Classification: AICA’s Versatility in the 23 Systems 

    Businesses rely heavily on accurate and organised data to make informed decisions, optimise processes, and gain a competitive edge. However, with vast amounts of information generated daily, keeping data well-organised and classified is no easy task. This is where AICA, a specialist in product and service data cleansing, steps in. With our ability to classify […]

  • Unveiling AICA’s Service Data Cleansing

    In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, data has become the lifeblood of enterprises. The ability to harness and leverage accurate and enriched data can be a game-changer for companies seeking to gain a competitive edge. As a leader in product data cleansing, enrichment, and comparison, AICA is excited to announce our foray into the realm of […]

  • Overcoming Data Cleanliness Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions

    Mergers and acquisitions leave accounting firms a myriad of complex challenges. Among these, ensuring the cleanliness, enrichment, and compatibility of data acquired from a target company is a daunting task, particularly when the acquisitions involve companies operating in different geographical locations. AICA specialises in data cleansing, enrichment, and comparison. Our goal is to assist you […]