Author: Dylan Lamb

  • Customised Taxonomies: Part 2

    Customised taxonomies are powerful tools that enable your organisation to define, structure, and manage product data. Not only do they facilitate the sorting and enrichment of product data, but they also ensure that your data architecture is in line with your business objectives and customer expectations.  Benefits of Having Customised Taxonomies Enhanced Data Management Customised […]

  • Enhancing SEO Through Enhanced Product Attributes: The Role of Product Data Enrichment

    SEO is crucial for businesses in the digital age. It ensures your website, and by extension, your products and services, are discovered by potential customers searching online. One of the essential aspects of SEO involves optimising your product information. By leveraging more product attributes, you can improve your SEO, driving more organic traffic and ultimately […]

  • The Cost of Having Unstructured Data: And How To Fix It

    Businesses rely heavily on data to make informed decisions, gain competitive advantages, and drive growth. However, not all data is created equal. Unstructured data, which lacks a defined format or organisation, poses significant challenges and risks for businesses.  In this article, we will delve into the harm caused by unstructured data in your systems and […]

  • Optimising Warehouse Operations with Enriched Product Data: AICA’s Impact on Inventory Management

    Efficient inventory management plays a vital role in the success of any warehousing operation. With accurate and enriched product data, warehouses can streamline their processes, minimise errors, and maximise operational efficiency. AICA, a leading provider of product data cleansing and enrichment solutions, offers innovative tools and strategies that revolutionise inventory management in the procurement and […]

  • The Importance of Clean and Enriched Data in Spend Analysis

    Spend analysis is a critical tool that helps organisations to understand their purchasing patterns and identify opportunities to optimise their procurement process. However, conducting an effective spend analysis requires accurate and reliable data. Without clean and enriched data, organisations may end up making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, which can result in missed […]

  • The Power of a Well-Structured Taxonomy for Data Cleansing and Clean Data

    Having a well-structured taxonomy can be particularly beneficial for data cleansing and dealing with dirty data. In this article, we will explore how a well-structured taxonomy can help with data cleansing and what are the benefits of clean data. What is a data taxonomy A data taxonomy is a hierarchical classification system used to organise […]

  • The Importance of Analysing Product Data Cleanliness Before Acquiring a Company

    In the era of data-driven businesses, product data is a valuable asset for any company. However, if the data is inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent, it can lead to costly errors and impact decision-making.  This article discusses the importance of analysing product data cleanliness before acquiring a company. Effects and Difficulties of Acquiring a Company with […]

  • The Significance of Clean Data and KPIs in Business Decision Making

    In today’s data-driven world, the importance of clean data and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) cannot be overstated. Without accurate and reliable data, it’s impossible to make informed business decisions. Clean data and KPIs provide insights into the performance of your business, enabling you to make informed decisions based on real-time information. This article will discuss […]

  • The Importance of Product Data Quality in Mining Supply Chain Management

    Supply chain management is critical in the mining industry, as companies must ensure a steady supply of minerals while minimising costs and managing risks. One key aspect of effective supply chain management is having accurate and complete product data.  This allows mining companies to make better decisions and reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions. […]

  • Data Maintenance Practices to Prevent Dirty Data

    Data is a valuable asset for organisations, providing insights into customer behaviour, improving decision-making, and driving innovation. However, dirty data can seriously undermine these benefits, leading to incorrect conclusions, poor decision-making, and reputational damage. In this article, we will discuss data maintenance practices that organisations should implement to prevent dirty data. Understand Dirty Data Dirty […]